Harmful Substances Labels

Compressed Gas 2
UN regulations (including ADR, IATA and IMDG) stipulate that all dangerous goods must be clearly identified. Diamonds (other than those of class 7 rad..
GHS Labels - Oxidiser
An oxidiser or oxidising agent is a substance that can cause or contribute to the combustion of other material. Ensuring substances that are oxidisers..
GHS Labels - Flammable
A flammable substance is any element (gas, liquid, solid) which ignites more easily than other materials. Flammable substances include, but are not li..
GHS Labels - Explosive
An explosive substance is a reactive substance that contains a great amount of potential energy that can produce an explosion if released suddenly. En..
GHS Labels - Toxic
A toxic substance is any substance which causes irritation, sensitivity or narcotic side effects due to inhalation, consumption or skin contact. Ensur..
GHS Labels - Corrosive
A corrosive substance is any substance that will dissolve or damage other materials/substances when it comes in contact. Corrosive materials cause che..
GHS Labels - Compressed Gas
GHS is the new Globally Harmonized System of classification and labeling of chemicals. GHS came into effect in 2015 and gradually phased out the exist..
GHS Labels - Health Hazard
The Health Hazard GHS symbol should be used when a substance can cause respiratory sensitivity, germ cell mutagenicity, carcinogenicity, specific orga..
GHS Labels - Environmentally Hazardous
The Environmental Hazard GHS symbol should be used when a substance has the ability to cause acute or chronic hazards to aquatic life / the aquatic en..
GHS Labels - Irritant
An irritant is any substance which causes skin/eye irritation or sensitivity side effects due to inhalation, consumption or skin contact. Ensure subst..
LQ Diamond (ADR 2011)
Use when shipping limited quantities of dangerous goods by road or water Material Options Explained Below is a more detailed description of the mate..
LQ Diamond Y - Air Transport (ADR 2011)
Use when shipping limited quantities of dangerous goods by air Material Options Explained Below is a more detailed description of the materials this ..
Excepted Quantity Labels
Designed in accordance with international air regulations. Place on all packages containing excepted quantities of dangerous goods. Includes an area t..
Laser Labels (Roll of 100)
Material Options Explained..
Flammable Gas 2 Labels (Roll of 100)
Self adhesive labels are supplied ready cut to peel off and apply Conveniently supplied on rolls of 1, easy to store and easy to use If you cannot fin..
Highly Flammable Labels
Self adhesive labels are supplied ready cut to peel off and apply Conveniently supplied on rolls of 1, easy to store and easy to use If you cannot fin..
Limited Quantity Labels (Roll of 100)
For use when shipping limited quantities of dangerous goods Material Options Explained Below is a more detailed description of the materials this ..
LQ UN Labels (Roll of 100)
Limited quantity label with space to write relevant UN number For use when shipping limited quantities of dangerous goods Material Options Explained ..
Radiation Symbol
Hazard signs are displayed to advise and forewarn of potential dangers. Material Options Explained Below is a more detailed description of the materi..
Oxidising Agent Symbol
Hazard signs are displayed to advise and forewarn of potential dangers. Material Options Explained Below is a more detailed description of the mater..
! - Warning - Exclamation Symbol
Hazard signs are displayed to advise and forewarn of potential dangers. Material Options Explained Below is a more detailed description of the mat..
Biohazard Symbol
Hazard signs are displayed to advise and forewarn of potential dangers. Material Options Explained Below is a more detailed description of the materi..