Fire Alarm Signs

Fire safety signs are used to provide health and safety information, highlight key locations and provide advice and instructions. In the case of fire alarm signs, they are required above fire alarm call points to clearly identify the location of alarms which in turn enables viewers to locate a fire alarm call point quickly and easily. Additionally, other fire alarm signs can be located above fire alarms to provide advice regarding alarm testing schedules.
Under the Regulatory Reform - Fire Safety Order 2005 any non-automatic fire fighting equipment should be identified with an appropriate sign. The signs should be positioned and designed in accordance with BS EN ISO 722 to ensure maximum levels of comprehension
Call Point - Below
This fire safety sign enables viewers to locate a fire alarm call point quickly and easily. Under the Regulatory Reform - Fire Safety Order 2005 any n..
Fire Alarm
This fire safety sign enables viewers to locate a fire alarm quickly and easily. Under the Regulatory Reform - Fire Safety Order 2005 any non-automati..
Fire Alarm Call Point
This fire safety sign enables viewers to locate a fire alarm call point quickly and easily. Under the Regulatory Reform - Fire Safety Order 2005 any n..
Fire Alarm / Break Glass
This fire safety sign highlights that in the event of an emergency the glass should be broken to sound the fire alarm. Under the Regulatory Reform - F..
Last Tested
Highlight and remind the appropriate staff members when fire safety equipment was last tested with this fire safety sign. Under the Regulatory Reform ..
Fire Alarm 5 Zones - Adapt-a-Sign
A cost effective Fire Alarm sign which allows you to adapt the sign to efficiently manage any changes. This enables you to ensure your fire alarm zone..
Fire Alarm Test - Adapt-a-Sign
A cost effective Fire Alarm sign which allows you to adapt the sign to efficiently manage any changes. This enables you to ensure your fire alarm test..
Fire Alarm Call Point - Projecting Sign
Use projecting signs to identify the location of fire equipment from several view points Face: 150 x 200mm Ready to install with drilling guide Concea..
Fire Alarm Test Taking Place (Insert Time) Table Top Sign
Simply right on the time of your fire alarm test to ensure visitors/staff are aware of scheduled fire alarms..
Fire Alarm Call Point Symbol
Under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety Order 2005 any non-automatic fire fighting equipment should be identified with an appropriate sign. The signs..
Fire Alarm
Under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety Order 2005 any non-automatic fire fighting equipment should be identified with an appropriate sign. The signs..
Fire Alarm Control Panel
Under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety Order 2005 any non-automatic fire fighting equipment should be identified with an appropriate sign. The signs..
Fire Alarm Test On / at
Use this sign to inform staff and visitors when the Fire Alarm Test will be conducted. Material Options Explained Below is a more detailed descrip..
Fire Alarm Warning - Only to be Operated in Emergency
Under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety Order 2005 any non-automatic fire fighting equipment should be identified with an appropriate sign. The signs..
Fire Alarm Call Point (English / Polish)
Inform staff and visitors of important safety messages where multiple languages may be spoken Responsibility lies with the employer to ensure all staf..
In the event of a Fire - Lift the Cover and Activate Alarm
BS 5839-1: 2007 Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Systems in Buildings recommend that manual call points should be fitted with protective covers to preven..
EasiFix Fire Action - in the event of a Fire - Lift the Cover and Activate Alarm
BS 5839-1: 2007 Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Systems in Buildings recommend that manual call points should be fitted with protective covers to preven..